This has got me rolling with laughter... Emma Stone is wicked funny!
Monday, 29 November 2010
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
New flash: Chihuahua on the loose!

Have you ever wondered why dogs can sleep anywhere and everywhere? Why ten+++ hours of sleep is considered a necessity and not a luxury for our furry best friends?

I think I've found the answer! Because I caught my chihuahua...

In the act of completing one very long and strenuous "chin-up" under my bed!
Friday, 12 November 2010
Unexpected surprises with FYP
I can't even begin to describe to you how much I'm in the holiday mood already! It must be the christmas decorations in Jurong Point that reminds me of snow and presents!
Anyway a be-earlied christmas present is that I got a email from Prof Tam telling me that I got selected to do my FYP at his lab! Surprised? Believe me, you can't be more surprised that I was! I literally shouted "WTH" when I saw the email... It's a nice nice nice surprise.
Thank you Prof Tam. Will put you as my first choice :))
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Best friends
No matter, when my best friend is sad I can't help but want to cheer her up!
So I hope u feel better!!! Don't give up!!! I will always be here for you!
Meditate, breathe, and live again. :))
FYP meetings and Europe
The weather's been really crummy this week. So sadly, it's already almost Wednesday and I've yet to get my much needed dose of adrenaline rush at the pool :( make the rain go away! >
Damn the stress levels are especially high this week. It's because at least 60% of the year four students are rushing off to meet professors about FYP projects. I've got my eye on some projects... so I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed! ;)) Pray for me!
AFA on Saturday anyone?
Saturday, 30 October 2010
Monday, 25 October 2010
Saturday, 23 October 2010
Water Baby by the poolside
This short clip got me a good night's sleep. Sometimes I get so caught up in the stresses of the day that I forget what life's all about: feeling good about yourself. So take a step back and enjoy being yourself again. Detach youself from all stray thoughts and bask in the moment... just relax... and that was how I realised that life is just great. So happy to be alive :)
Another personal accomplishment today: I learnt how to swim the freestyle! Yahoo~~~ major thanks to my Aunt Ju and Kellie for being patient instructors. Haha... seriously I think swimming is way easier than riding a bicycle ><>
This morning, we went to Aunt Ju's place for a swim. Even Fox came along, so he babysitted/dogsitted Foxy while we swam. Omg... we met this really cute Indonesian baby boy at the pool! He's the most adorable thing ever! He played peek-a-boo with us, and "raced" me in the pool. He gave me a hug when he "won" and refused to let go. So cute! He was like a tiny koala bear!
Oh yeah. My journey to Cedar Point in Cleveland in Sandusky, Ohio, is pretty much confirmed. I went for the job interview yesterday and got my dream job! They'll be letting me help operate the rides in the theme parks! Omg... can't believe it! An exchange programme to Europe, and now an adventure to the USA? Wow... I'm so excited!
Friday, 15 October 2010
Say no to bullying
What is the deal with bullying? It's ridiculous! Stand up to it and protect your friends.
And on a very very important note it's the holidays!!! Officially term break!!! Whoo-hoo~~~ :D
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Friday, 20 August 2010
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
I watched to the very end and I was just blown away. A stunning performance that quietly explodes with coolness...
Thursday, 29 July 2010
Sorcerer's Apprentice
Thursday, 22 July 2010
Taking it nice and easy with Kopitiam
I've been hanging out with my aunt for the past few days :)) seems like we have something in common, a deep an unrelenting love for Singapore's street food!
There's really no need to dish out cold, hard cash to dine in some posh place where what you're really paying for is the ambiance. It's just as much fun hitting back one or two "kopi su su"s' in Kopitiam >< ahaha~
My caffeine addiction is pretty serious, man I don't function without my morning dose. Coffee is my bane, and my best bud. So there ;p
Okay, so we didn't always have to stick to street food. Mom gave me a voucher for tea at this lovely cafe in Shaw, Orchard. Aunt Juvina and I went there today and we sampled a sinfully rich "chocolate gateaux" along with our cappuccinos... Can life get any better?
Saturday, 17 July 2010
Back in Singapore

Things I've done after reuniting with Singapore:
- Smile!!! :))
- Sleep like a bear in hibernation
- Watch "Despicable Me" with my sister
- Went to Sakura with Umama, Jason, and Guna
- Watch "Predator" with Jason and Uma
- Spring Clean my room! (haha that drove my mom wild because I was clearing out the clutter in my life) --> It's therapy for me
- Planning to visit my aunt today and swim at her place it finally stops raining ><