Guess what? We'll be jetting off to Belgium tomorrow! Ahaha! It's a rather spontaneous trip... we booked our tickets and accomodation just yesterday...lol! We will be staying at a hotel known as the Hotel de France. There was little choice for our accomodation as most of the hostels were fully booked. Lesson learnt, plan future trips earlier. So mom, dad and sis...if you're reading this, here's me telling you that I will be leaving for Belgium tomorrow (27 Jan) and returning on 1 Feb. :)) And I'm so excited about the trip because they speak English, French and Dutch in Belgium! The perfect opportunity to practise communicating in French.
By the way, we haven't gone to Wenceslas Square yet...we got kinda sidetracked by IKEA and Tesko! >< We took a train to Zličín (the last stop of Metro line B), then we took a shuttlebus that ferried us to IKEA where we dug into mouth-watering Swedish meatballs and honeyed cakes >< yummy! At Tesko (your Czech equivalent of NTUC), we bought our groceries and I finally got my hands on my beloved strawberries. For reasons unknown to me, Alberts (the supermarket near our place) doesn't sell any straberries T-T boo~~
I'm still pretty hyped right now because I spent the morning studying French with JY and JC...a refreshing change from our Czech lessons... sorry JC...
Can't wait for tomorrow seriously... Belgium = beer +mussels +fries +chocolates + waffles!!! Oh yes, I am sooooo going to Belgium for a Food/Chocolate Tour!
Bon appetit to all!
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