Brunch at a shop just round the corner from our apartment that specializes in sausages and other meats. We each chose a sandwich! I had a salami sandwich; JC, a Ham sandwich; and JY, a cheese and egg one! Delicious and inexpensive! After a quick brunch, we headed for Wenceslas Square for more retail therapy.
A cool statue of an upside-down horse in a mall in Wenceslas Square.
Hey! Check out the 7-floor Bata! 7 floors of shoes in a single shop, imagine that! If only the shoes were cheaper! Did you know that Bata's actually a Czech brand? Heh heh... I didn't either... Nothing much to buy though because it's mostly boots on sale. Sigh...
After hours of shopping, we were tired and hungry. So we took the metro, and then the tram. We alighted at the stop near a shop selling stuffed potato pies!
I've been eyeing this shop for days! It looks so irresistable!
Tada! Finally, we were able to stuff our faces with two amazing stuffed potato pies! A chili & meat flavored one, and a ham & cheese flavoured one! ><
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