Tuesday 12 May 2009

Good Morning to moi

I'm finally starting to sink into the role of a perfect sloth. It took me an entire week to finally learn how to be busy again after the hustle and the bustle of the exams.

So I spent last week working as a health screener... and was dismissed because the H1N1 virus decided to allow me to enjoy the rest of my holidays. Thank god...it was exhausting to have to work 12 hour shifts although the $ka-ching$ was really good!

So I spent this week hanging out with my aunt Ju! I love her so much! She always has so many interesting tales so gossip sessions with her are never boring :D

Ah... I'll be meeting Uma and Jason for the Elizabeth costume today. I wonder how the sewing will turn out?

p.s: Korean food at tanjong pagar seriously kicks arse...so cheap...so good...drool...

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